Johnn on September 25, 2020
Gravel Segment
From Bumpus Cove Rd, Erwin, Washington County to Lower Higgins Creek Rd, Erwin, Unicoi County, Tennessee
Map not correct. Bumpus Cove gravel is a 7 mile mostly gently/rolling climb. At around 6.9 miles there is a forestry service gate up the hill to the right. Go that way for MILES AND MILES of offroad fun/options (best on a mtb). The other forestry service gates on Bumpus Cove, to my knowledge, dead end. At the 7.1 mile mark there is a path through the woods on the left. Go that way to Erwin. First part of path is around 1.6ish miles. At the fork, go right. VERY STEEP (and at times rough) downhill that drops you out on Sandy Bottom Rd in Erwin. If you go this way on a gravel bike, be careful. Do not attempt to do Sandy Bottom to Bumpus in reverse or you'll walk almost half of it. It is extremely steep.
10.11 miles
1,660 ft minimum
3,894 ft maximum
2,569 ft gain
620 ft loss

100% gravel

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 Ride AMAP
on April 21, 2021
I would say this is more dirt than gravel