Jefe on December 16, 2018
Gravel Segment
From Rampart Range Rd, Sedalia, Douglas County to Forest Rd 300, Woodland Park, El Paso County, Colorado
No description provided.
31.77 miles
7,595 ft minimum
9,386 ft maximum
3,832 ft gain
2,041 ft loss

100% gravel

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 Luke Durkin
on June 9, 2023
Rode from Dutch Fred (7mi in) to the intersection with Road 27 (13.5mi in from north start of Rampart Rd at CO-67) and I thought the road was pretty good, pretty typical Colorado Front Range Gravel. It's hilly, not rolling, a fair bit of climbing. This was Early June 2023. Packed dirt road, nice and wide, some potholes, some erosion trenches, but most could be avoided, and it was a 90% smooth ride. Very little washboard. Did on a Summer Friday and there weren't many cars, 8-10 over 12mi of riding. Though I did nearly rear end the back end of a line of cars stuck behind a Subaru who was slamming on the brakes for potholes. I was faster so I passed them. Lots of campsites along the road. Perfect balance of only a few cars, but still enough other people to feel safe that there are others out to help you if you crash or have a mechanical. Popular and Historic area for off-road dirtbiking, but only licensed vehicles are allowed on the road and I did see pass the Sheriff. I would not recomend the forest road to the side as they're very rough and well used by motorized OHVs. Lots of Trailheads, Parking and Bathrooms but I didn't see any water.
 BC Gravel
on July 11, 2019
Rode northern 20 miles of this July 2019. Miserable experience. Very wide, 90% side-to-side washboard and/or bumpy, dappled shade so difficult to pick a line or to pick up any speed. Road is busy with recreation traffic. The area provides motorized offroad trails, but also camping and hiking - posted 20 mph but folks driving much faster. Can't speak for the southern portion.