Christopher James

Christopher has contributed 4 routes spanning 21 miles of routes in Washington.

Member since September 7, 2020.

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6 mi   gravel

National Forest Development Road 5160

Gravel route on NF-5160, Loomis, Okanogan County, Washington

"Approximate start of gravel at end of Chewach River Road. This portion goes through the forest that was severely burned during the Andrews Creek fire. There are several information kiosks and a memorial. The country is completely different today. There are good territorial views. From the end of the road, one can hike for days in the Pasayten Wilderness. Theoretically, one can bushwhack to the start of another road that then connects to Toats Coulee road. Never done it, and it would be an adventure undertaking. As the eagle flies, it is only a few miles between the two roads, but the fire has created a lot of underbrush, so it would likely take a few hours of bushwhacking and carrying your bike to connect these two roads."

7 mi   gravel

Cub Creek Road to National Forest Development Road 5215

Gravel route from Cub Creek Rd to NF-5215, Winthrop, Okanogan County, Washington

"Climb to Rendezvous Pass from Cub Creek Trailhead. A wonderful climb. Mostly 5-6%, nothing over 9%, with a couple flat sections, even a short downhill. And terrific descent with generally good to excellent sightlines."

3 mi   gravel

National Forest Development Road 39 to Freezeout Pass

Gravel route on NF-39, Winthrop, Okanogan County, Washington

"This little section is a beast. Nearly unrelenting 10%+ climb to Freezeout Pass with a few 15% ramps. Reward is great views the whole way. Hide your bike at the Pass and hike up Tiffany Mountain (very easy 3-4 mile hike, mostly above treeline). "

6 mi   gravel

National Forest Development Road 37 (Boulder Creek Road after pavement ends)

Gravel route on NF-37, Winthrop, Okanogan County, Washington

"pavement ends at elevation of about 3200 feet (approximately 7 miles from the East Chewach road bridge over the Chewach River). The first mile uphill is moderate. Then the next 1.5 miles are steep (10-11%) with some washboard. You get a slight break after that, but the road contiunues up at about 5-6%."
