on January 23, 2021
Dirt Segment
From N Perimeter Rd, Farmington to Unnamed Road, Woods Cross, Davis County, Utah
General all dikes within the Farmington Bay Wildlife Refuge have dirt or gravel roads atop them. They are open to travel during some times of the year. They may be closed if lake/water levels are high, of course. This is just one example of a large number of miles of dike roads within the wildlife refuge. They range in quality from well traveled gravel roads to well-maintained gravel roads to roads just traversable by the heavy equipment used to maintain the dikes and waterways. Farmington Bay Wildlife Refuge southern area is open for use/travel in the winter but it closed or partially closed March 1st to July 31st to allow for bird nesting.
1.68 miles
4,199 ft minimum
4,213 ft maximum
26 ft gain
33 ft loss

100% dirt

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