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Loomis, Washington

5.6 mi   gravel

National Forest Development Road 5160

Gravel route on NF-5160, Loomis, Okanogan County, Washington

"Approximate start of gravel at end of Chewach River Road. This portion goes through the forest that was severely burned during the Andrews Creek fire. There are several information kiosks and a memorial. The country is completely different today. There are good territorial views. From the end of the road, one can hike for days in the Pasayten Wilderness. Theoretically, one can bushwhack to the start of another road that then connects to Toats Coulee road. Never done it, and it would be an adventure undertaking. As the eagle flies, it is only a few miles between the two roads, but the fire has created a lot of underbrush, so it would likely take a few hours of bushwhacking and carrying your bike to connect these two roads."

5.7 mi   dirt

Iron Gate

Dirt route from NF-39 to Unnamed Road, Loomis, Okanogan County, Washington

"This is cow country. A short road ends at the Iron Gate Trailhead, where backpackers begin the hike to Horseshoe Basin. Bikes are not allowed beyond the trailhead because the Pasayten Wilderness begins there."
