Outer Limits An Adventure Is Waiting On Two Wheels on November 4, 2023
Gravel Route
On Spruston Rd, Nanaimo, British Columbia
A great exploratory route, this whole area has so much to offer and can be made much longer or do several shorter routes. This Particular route starts out at the end of the pavement on Spructon Rd. Park in the opening to the start of The White Pines Trail. Start riding on a paved section (about 50 meters long give or take) to the right of the trail. The road takes you out by two lakes the first on your right being McKay Lake then a little later Crystal Lake. There are a few cross ditches along the way, most notably at the very end while passing the second lake, a loose hike a bike section to the right. From here for a short bit you will be on an active logging rd. for a few minutes before heading back onto old double track, Most of these have become Horse trails, although I've only run into a few through the years, Watch for the signs on the trees, It goes as follows: Crystal Lake to Buddy to To Teaka to Teddy J To Denver To Right on Sierra and left on Cabin Trail. You will come to a steep hill at the end. I usually leave my bike here as its really steep with a creek crossing on both sides. The cabin is fairly close, I've brought my bike a few times but unless I'm continuing on the other side its not worth it. After your visit return the way you came on the Cabin Trail and turn left on Sierra, follow until you hit McKay Lake Forest service rd. back to parking.
10.98 miles
561 ft minimum
1,099 ft maximum
2,480 ft gain
2,497 ft loss

100% gravel

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